04 April 2010

Why "How to Speak ‘Mormon’ ”

I was thinking today that I'd like to help people of other faiths understand Mormons a bit better. Perhaps you know a Mormon (a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, called latter-day saints, sometimes abbreviated to LDS) from work, your new cousin-in-law is a Mormon, or your daughter is dating one. Whatever. In as clear and un-judgmental way as I can, I'll write about some things that are uniquely Mormon in hopes that you'll learn to understand them. I may sometimes contrast the beliefs and doctrines of the Church with others' beliefs, but I will not do so to be critical—just to highlight the differences.

This is not an attempt to convert, just inform. I would love to hear comments, and in particular, if I have gotten something wrong. Errors I've made and noted differences of belief are always appreciated, but I will moderate all comments—attacks, either against the Church, or against others or their beliefs, will not be tolerated.

I may quote LDS scriptures or authorities, as well as the writings and views of others, and I will strive for accuracy and clarity, but you should be aware that the views and opinions expressed here are mine—they may or may not accurately or completely represent the views of the Church. I take full responsibility for them.